Friday, July 2, 2010

One tumor, two tumors, more.

We went from one tumor to countless tumors today. Dr. Tredway is outstanding and I know I am in good hands. However, I am in shock. A few days ago it was one tumor, and today I learned it is many. The main issue is a few tumors that are compressing my spinal cord a significant amount. One of the tumors is an INCH!!!! There are 4-5 tumors that will be removed from the c1 and c2 area of my neck. There are more tumors in the c4 and c5 part of my neck but they are more risky to remove.

WOW! Pinch me please…… yes, I am awake. In order to remove the tumors around the spinal cord they have to remove my c1 and c2 vertebrae first!!!! Here is where I don’t really understand. They have to remove bones from my body to get to the tumors??? Um… yeah… loss of words. Exactly what part of c1 or c2 do they remove?  Dr. Tredway said something about having to fuse them together after and some loss in range of motion.  I am trying to grasp this but it is hard.

The surgery will be on July 22nd and recovery could be speedy, or take more time. It will all depend on how things go during and after the surgery. *sigh* At least this will help my pain and symptoms.

Overall I feel good about what is going to happen and if I am in the hospital for a week or more everyone better come visit!!!! My mom is now an author of this blog and Scott will be to, so they will be able to update the blog and keep you posted on the progress when I am not able to.

1 comment:

  1. I know you won't get this until post-surgery and that is okay with me. My mom has c1-c-3 and c6-c-7 fused together after her accident. She has a nifty scar on the back of her neck that I adore and she can't move her head like she used to. The pain is better though and I remember all the talk about the surgery and everything. I am happy to sit and listen or talk if you need it. :)

