Sunday, July 25, 2010

Waking up at home.

It was so nice sleeping at home last night! 

In order to stay sleeping on my left side, I slept in the guest room bed with about 8 pillows stuffed around me.  It hurts so much to have anything touch my neck or the back of my head, and only a small portion of my on the left side can tolerate the pillow (which makes sleeping hard.)  The doctors gave orders to keep my head above a 30 degree angle, so Scott stuffed couch cushions under the mattress to raise it up. Once I was settled in bed and all tucked in, Nike jumped up on the bed where he stayed close to me purring all night. 

I woke up every three to four hours and either got more water, pain killers or both (so I could get back to sleep.)  In the hospital they were giving me 15mg every three hours, but now at home I am trying to go with 5mg every three hours.  So far it is okay, I am in some pain but nothing I can't deal with.

After waking up Scott took me to his parent's house so that I could stick my legs in the neighborhood pool and hopefully decrease the swelling a little.  The hospital compression stalkings have been driving me NUTS! 

My neck and back feel really tight and a bit itchy. My range of motion is limited and I feel like I am walking around as if I was balancing a book on top of my head. It might be to early to know if it is permanent, but I have lost feeling on most of my scalp, but who needs feeling on their head anyways??   

Some family friends gave me a blond wig to wear while I wait for my hair to grow out. Scott's mom also gave me a brunette wig from a Halloween costume that I can wear.  This could be fun, blond one day and brunette the next and then back to blond!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you got Scott and Nike taking good care of you!

